GoDaddy Office365 to Microsoft Office365 Migration- Part 6

Preparation Phase

The next phase is to prepare for the migration. Preparation phase has the below sub sections.

  • Preparing the Target Tenant
  • Preparing for Data Migration
  • Preparing for Cutover

Lets have a closer look on each of them.

Preparing the Target Tenant

Once the new tenant is provisioned and the migration team has access to manage the new tenant, The initial preparation activities can be started. The sequence of the activities is important and has an implication if we take a wrong route.

  1. Configure the basic tenant settings
  2. Onboard User Objects (Not guest users, just the member users)
  3. Provision Teams and Teams channels
  4. Provision the Unified Groups
  5. Provision Distribution Groups and Security Groups
  6. Provision Dynamic Distribution Groups
  7. Provision SharePoint sites, which are not linked with Teams or Unified Groups

The logic behind sequencing the activities is to have the right level of integrations between M365 Groups, Teams and SharePoint. Once users are provisioned, Teams can be be created and grant membership. By this way, the M365 Groups and SharePoint sites will get created. In the same way, Teams Standard Channels and Teams Private Channels can be created. One Private Channels, Update the membership too. With that, SharePoint site for the private channels will get created and the permissions are taken care. M365 groups without Teams Integration can be created next so that the backend SharePoint sites will get provisioned. With that, we are almost done with the pieces which has mutual integration. The left over Groups can be created now and update the membership accordingly.

Configuring the basics tenant settings includes creating a break glass account, enabling MFA for administrators and having required licenses ready to move forward. This is not having any dependency with the current configuration on GoDaddy Tenant. So identify the best practices and apply them based on your analysis.